I expect that many young adults today, like me, often lie awake at night worrying about their place in the world. It seems the older we get, the more information we soak in, endlessly shaping our perception of reality and fueling our desire to be recognized and appreciated. Trying to interpret the grand scale of life in the modern human world, in my opinion, is what often makes us feel irrelevant, insignificant and unworthy of existence. Here's some food for thought: Growing up, Generation Y absorbed an immense amount of information as a result of the Internet. You’d think that with this revolutionary tool, people would band together and achieve extraordinary things. In many so ways we have. There are endless opportunities for betterment that come with the emergence of the Internet of Things. Yet in everyday society, social pressures continue to turn us against one another. With a rapidly increasing human population, the fight for significance is higher than ever. Image craft...