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Showing posts from September, 2015

Envision a world with 11 billion people

IS THIS WHAT WE WANT FOR THE IMPENDING GENERATION? Driving to work can often seem like a grueling task – sitting in traffic amidst thousands of other busy-bodies navigating their way through an increasingly dense metropolis. Human population has increased exponentially during the last 200 years. During the 20th century alone, human population in the world grew from 1.65 billion to 6 billion. A recent report by the United Nations Population Division, predicts that human population could peak at 11 billion by 2100. Is this the world we want for our future successors? "With smaller populations, we can have increasing living standards per head but less consumption, more space, better lives, smaller impacts on the planet, and more room for wildlife." – Simon Ross, CEO of UK-based campaign group Population Matters. POPULATION BRIEFING The world population is currently estimated at around 7.349 billion, according to the medium fertility estimate by the United Nations D...